Documentary, artistic imagery For Sentimental Souls

LOS ANGELES & destination

After 7 years of photographing wedding days across the world, I have a natural sense of anticipating meaningful moments and capturing them artistically. Your wedding will live on in frames, albums and bookshelves long after you're gone. I want you to enjoy and live in every second of it. The happy tears, tight hugs, spilled drinks and sore cheeks. I immerse myself into your day so you can just focus on being fully present rather than perfect in the moments that will soon turn into cherished memories.

over Perfection

Ria Georgia is a destination wedding photographer for those who cherish all of life's beautiful moments. With a passion for documentary, editorial and feelings-focused photographs, Ria artistically captures weddings and intimate celebrations on digital and film mediums. 

After working 5 years as a Marketing Manager, she now applies her skills to running her own photography business. Her work evokes feelings of nostalgia, artistry and authenticity. Based on the west coast and serving clients who want to celebrate their love worldwide. 

About Ria


Creating a visual story of your love with heart and soul. Wedding collections specifically tailored to your unique story.

Your story is unique, your photos should be too. 


From over 7 years of photographing weddings worldwide.


Let’s get sentimental

Timeless wedding Photography with a twist of Emotion and Fun